Tuesday, June 11, 2013

That Awkward Moment When...

...you see identical twins, but they aren't by each other and you only know one of them, but not well enough to know which is the one you know.

This was what happened to me last night. I went to a stake activity last night of a stake that I am not a part of. I have friends there so I was meeting up with them. When the activity was over, everyone was standing around mingling. Again, this was a stake activity so there were a lot of people, very few of which I knew. I look to my right and in a small group of people I spot a guy I know. We have only met a few times but he is someone I know. I thought about going over and saying hi, but then I looked to my left and there he was again... in a different group of people. He is an identical twin so obviously it wasn't him in both groups, but there-in lies the problem, I didn't know which was the one I actually knew.
I stood there looking to my right and to my left trying to decipher the two.
Here is where it gets tricky, I made eye contact with one of them. I didn't know if I should smile and wave, potentially looking like an idiot if it was the one I didn't know. Or if I don't acknowledge him at all, potentially looking like a jerk if it was the one I did know. So by default I did nothing. I looked away and stayed where I stood.
Luckily I didn't go to this activity alone, so I didn't just look like an idiot standing there by myself. (I looked like an idiot for completely different reasons, but not because I was alone)The next thing I knew one of them was standing right in front of me. I was almost certain it was the one I knew, so very awkwardly I poked him, he turned and looked at me, and I'm pretty sure time stopped as I waited to see if familiarity would streak across his face or if it would be a look of utter confusion as to why this strange blonde girl is poking him. He smiled and hugged me (phew!!!) and we caught up for a bit.
I'll tell ya... that is a strange reality to be faced with.

Pretty sure I'll use this picture of Leila for all of my awkward posts... I just love that face.

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