Monday, March 22, 2010

The Trouble With Guys.

Ok so as far as being a single woman in the LDS community, I am getting up in years. I am 26 years old, the youngest child in my family, and the only single person in the world... or at least it feels that way sometimes ;).
Pickens are getting slim.
I have noticed with guys, there seems to be a pattern. There are the guys that a fresh off the mission, they have marriage on their mind, they are looking for their wife, but in my eyes seem really immature, have pretty much nothing established in their life and are borderline undateable, not to mention I feel so old around them. Then there are the 23-25 year old guys, who are really starting to get it together, if you can catch the guys in this age range it's perfect. They are getting to the point where they are ready to settle down, ready to have that kind of commitment and in their eyes are prepared, but they date 20 year olds. Older women to them are "left overs". If they don't happen to get married at this point, then they turn into the 26-30 year old guys, who are burned. They are afraid of commitment, they are pretty close to being in their careers, if they aren't already, and are now to the point where they are tired of trying for a wife, tired of "spending money on someone else's wife" and are in a dating "funk". They don't date anymore, but prefer to "hang out" and don't want to commit to anyone. After the age of 30 the guys are one of two extremes, they are either the guys who have it together, they are in their career, established, mature, and ready to settle down and start a family, Or, they are tools. The guys who are 30+ and single for a reason.
What is a 26 year old girl to do?
I have dated them all, and I know I would prefer the 26+ guys, but I think I'm reaching for the stars to get one that is normal and ready. I could date and have dated the younger guys, but there is some immaturity issues that I can't seem to get passed, I know they will grow up and out of that stage, but am I just supposed to date them while they bug me and wait? Or do I date a guy that maturity-wise is there, but just wants to "be friends" and hope that one day he will come around and actually want to date?
I want to stress that I know that not all guys fit into these categories. They're called husbands.
Ah the joys of dating.
The thing is, none of this really makes a difference, because even if I do happen to find a guy who is great and wants to date, there is something that goes off in my head, and I run the opposite direction. I have issues of my own...
So to summarize, guys of all ages have issues. The guys that I am interested in, aren't datable, but the guys that want to date me I am not interested in. The guys that I am interested in that want to date me scare me away for some unexplainable reason. All things considered, I should expect marriage at any point now. Should be easy.

1 comment:

  1. This is very good Jules. I enjoyed reading it a lot. I think that when you write enough of these, you can get it together in a book and publish it. Then even if you are still single, you will be filthy rich, and if not single, you'll be even richer when you publish the "how I met the one" story.
