Friday, April 30, 2010

Confession, 3 years in the making

This is a dating blog, that was my goal in the beginning. This post relates to something I think about with every guy I am interested and each date I go on. This post is extremely personal, and something I NEVER thought I would openly admit to, but it's time.
A lot of the people that will read this didn't know me three years ago. They think the person they know now is the person I have always been. Well, it's not the person I have always been. I am more myself today than ever, but this is not who I always was.
When I was about 12 or 13 I started to gain weight. I think it was mostly puberty related, but none-the-less. All throughout junior high and high school I struggled with it. I tried every diet and exercise routine KNOWN TO MAN, but wasn't able to stick to anything.
I always loved playing sports, but it was hard for me, and embarrassing so I wouldn't. I wasn't as active as I wanted to be, because I physically wasn't able to be. I am not going to go into detail on the depression that caused, because that is not who I was really, and it is NOT who I am today.
When I was 22 I walked into the kitchen where my mom was sitting at the counter reading the paper. She was reading an article on Gastric-Band surgery. She read me a little about it, I didn't know much, and she said, "If this is something you would be interested in, your dad and I will help you." Immediately I knew it was something I would be interested in, so I started doing research on it.
The way gastric-band works, is the put a band on your stomach at the top of it, they can tighten it or loosen it whenever you want, but it's permanent. I could have it expanded all the way, so it would be as though it wasn't there, that way if I were to get pregnant the baby would get enough nutrients, I could also have it tightened again, say after pregnancy, if I were to gain more weight, and it would help me lose the weight again, it's like forced portion control.
This wasn't an easy decision to make, because in a lot of ways, I didn't feel supported in it. I felt like I was cheating. I had people, guys, tell me I was taking the easy way out, that I was being lazy, and selfish to make my parents do something like this for me. That if I had any kind of will-power I would just do it myself. That was when I decided I would never tell any guy EVER what I was doing.
I did a full year of research, I went to seminars, I went to doctors, I talked to people who had had it done. I knew/know everything there is to know about this surgery. I also knew that it wouldn't make me "skinny" all the people I talked to weren't thin, but they were smallER, skinniER, healthiER. All I wanted was a jump start.
My goal was to have this surgery to help me get to a point where I could do it on my own. I didn't want to be dependant on it forever, I just wanted to feel "normal".
On June 18, 2007 I had the surgery. I spoke with the nurses and asked what I could expect as far as results. I had read that the average person that has this surgery would lose up to 50% of their excess body weight in the first year, and up to 70% the year after that. I wanted to lose it all. I asked the nurse if that was realistic at all. She told me, it was realistic, but very rare, and that I shouldn't plan on that, that I should just work hard and follow the rules and maybe I could be above average. That was all I needed to hear. It was possible.
When you first have the surgery the band is loosened all the way, you are supposed to go in every 2 weeks for the first 6 months and gradually get it tightened, and then once a month to complete the year, and then just as needed.
My goal was to lose weight to a certain point, and then have it expanded all the way, and do the rest on my own.
I went in every two weeks until October 2007, that was the last time I had "a fill" I continued to lose weight. The following April I was going to Hawaii with my parents. They say to get it loosened before you travel, so I did, not all the way, but some, and I never got it tightened again. By June 18, 2008 I had lost 100% of the excess body weight. I lost it all the first year.
I was becoming the person I had always wanted to be, but was never able to be. I was participating in sports all the time, runnin, hiking, not only was I doing them, but I wasn't half bad either.
By August of 08, I had decided it was time to get it loosened all the way, and do the rest on my own. When I went in to get it loosened the nurse talked to me like I was going to fail, she said, "People like us don't lose weight the normal way, you can't keep it off without the band. I'm only telling you this because WHEN you gain weight and come back to get it tightened, I don't want you to feel like a failure." She didn't know me. I knew how it worked, these people that had this surgery were completely dependant on it. If they were to get it loosened they would gain the weight back in a heart beat, because they didn't follow the rules, they didn't exercise or eat healthy food, and that was not going to be me. I didn't want to live with the fear that I couldn't do it on my own, I was stronger than that, and I would prove her wrong.
Since August of 08, I have continued to lose weight, and body fat%, I have competed in races, I have hiked Mt Timpanogos, I rock-climb, I am able to do all these things that for 23 years of my life I wasn't capable of doing. I LOVE doing them too, which is why I know this is who I am meant to be. This is who I always was, just wasn't able to be. Total I have lost over 90 pounds, and 80 of that was in the first year.
I love to challenge myself, I love to improve myself. I am now at a lower weight than I have ever been in my life, I am at a lower body fat % than most girls my age.
That being said, it is something I have been completely insecure about, every time I would go out with a guy, I'd fear ever getting to the point where I would one day have to tell him, thinking he wouldn't want me anymore, that no guy would be able to see the work I have done, and just think of the person I was and fear that I would become that again. I would be terrified that anyone would find a picture of me from before, and completely judge me for who I used to be.
Yes, I used to be that way, and in a lot of ways I am grateful. It has made me the person I am today. It was hard, and painful, and the worst time of my life, but that part of my life is over. I am who I am today, and this is who I will always be.
Take me or leave me, if you don't want me because of who I was in the past, I can do better than you. If you hear this story and it makes you question who I am, then you don't really know me, and I would probably be fine without you in my life.
This is the best thing I have ever done. I have beaten the odds. It has been two years since I had it loosened all the way, and I am in far better shape than I was then. I proved them wrong. I proved everyone wrong.
I wanted to write this post, because this is something I should be proud of, not ashamed of, and I am proud.


  1. And I am proud of you! I'm so glad this procedure was successful in giving you a head start! And I'm so proud of you for following through to keep it successful. Good for you.

  2. Julia, love your blog, I have some catching up to do on it but I loved this post. I love how honest it is and I LOVE that you are grateful for the pain and heart ache of being someone you knew you were not. I think we have all been there in some way or another. I would not be who I am today if not for a lot of dark, hard times in my life, and I love that you shared that!

  3. You know what the best part about this post is? That you're not afraid of who you are. I really admire that and I think that's where the one's true beauty comes in: knowing who you are and owning it. I also appreciate that you are a "real" person. I run into enough fake people who try to conform and it's refreshing to hear your story of accomplishment and overcoming... after all, that's what life is about, right?

    And I completely agree that people who have not struggled with weight have no idea how it is.

  4. For whatever the reason the Lord gives each of us a major trial and I believe a "dark" point in our lives to makes us stronger,better individuals.Its what you do with your trials that make you who you are. You have overcome and gone beyond the average and most people would have been lucky to have handled it the way you did and have.
    I am pleased that you are embracing your trial and being proud of the obstacles you have overcome. You are an inspiration to me and tons of others out there.
    I definitely agree that people who judge you have no right to be in your life. Those who truly love you will stay by your side.
    I am one of those lucky people who can claim you as a dear friend. Thank you for your story

  5. I am so proud of you Julia. The way that people are judged by others is seldom by the most important criteria. I want to know about a person's motivations, determination, what makes them tick, what gets them excited, what they do to make the world a better place and to help others along the way. Your experience has shown, once again, that when the Lord needs a strong person, He doesn't just make them strong; He gives them a mountain to climb.

    You are an incredible woman, Jules. You should write a book.

    Judging by the mountain you've climbed, I wonder what the Lord has in store for you. Whatever it is, you'll be up to the task.

    Love you,

    Your proud Dad

  6. This post made me cry. I'm so proud of you. And I have no doubt your weight troubles brought you to be the amazing person you are. Any guy would be SO lucky to have you. Remember Timpanogos??!! You kicked butt! What an accomplishment! You have accomplished soooooo much over the last three years.
    PS - I deleted my old new blog is going to be about health related topics:

  7. I am so glad that you are in a place that you are happy, and I hope that you always will be. Sometimes as girls we have a hard time finding that place, because however thin we may be, its never good enough. I hope you never struggle with that. You are amazing, and I truly look up to you.

  8. I never knew you got the surgery, I have always thought you have thinned out, and I don't believe you have cheated either! I am so excited for you to feel good about yourself, and I am totally for it! I also believe that we are all different and some people don't get that high metabolism and it's okay to get help! BUT it sounds like you have done a LOT of hard work to keep it that way! YOU ARE AMAZING! I have always loved you for YOU!

  9. julia
    you rock on. thanks for posting this. it is a huge accomplishment and i agree....any guy would be lucky to have you. thanks for the fun stories to keep me awake at night.

  10. You're amazing...really! It's so hard to get out of depression. When you are healthy and doing what the Lord wants you to do then there is only one thing you can be...happy. I'm so glad you have the confidence you deserve. I'm glad I knew you then and now! Love ya lady.

  11. Dang girl, that's impressive. I give props to anyone who takes the initiative to make positive change in their life. Too many people are scared of doing that.

    It's so rare to fins someone beautiful inside and out. You're a rare one, grasshopper.

  12. Wow, this is amazing. My mom had to get a similar surgery a few years ago - I've seen firsthand the effects and growth from these procedures. I haven't had to overcome anything like that, but I admire you for it! Never be ashamed of it, anyone who judges you for it is not worth your time.

  13. I LOVE this post(and your entire blog for that matter)and I'm SO glad to hear that you are feeling like the person you are meant to be. I'm still workin on that one, so props to you! You look fantastic, but I've always thought you were so beautiful :) Go Julia!!

  14. Julia! Good for you! I'm so glad to hear you are happy and confident. You're fabulous, but have always been that way. I remember in high school I was so jealous of your beautiful you still sing? Hope so. Congrats on your major accomplishment! You are an inspiration to me :)

  15. P.S. It's Haley Peel, just in case you don't know who "our little family" is :)
