Monday, August 20, 2012

Lose Weight... WITHOUT Surgery!

I am so sick of hearing this. Every time I hear that, or see it on a magazine I think, "What about the people that can't? Would it be better to not have the surgery and remain overweight? Feel deflated because you 'failed' at dieting? Feel like your life will never change? Feel like because that person on the magazine did it and you can't that means you are lazy and gross?"
I'm so tired of hearing that and the automatic thought that if you did have surgery you are less strong, less dedicated, it means less that you have changed your life.
My opinion that I will defend to the grave: No matter how you do it (with the exception of eating disorders) surgery or not, you are a stronger person than most. People that have never had to work that hard will never understand, no matter how you do it, commend yourself for taking the step to change your life. If surgery is what you needed to get your foot in the door, more power to you.
I personally know that had I not done that I would not be where I am today. I know that it is what I needed to get me to this point. I worked my butt of (literally) I trained hard, I changed my habits, and I have to work hard every single day. Surgery was not a cop-out. Surgery was not me being lazy. Surgery was the starting point to me becoming the person I was always meant to be. I will never regret doing what I did. I will always defend it and stand up for it.
To those who say otherwise, quit being ignorant and judgemental, you clearly know very little about what you are talking about.

*Disclaimer, no one said anything to me to start this rant, I just saw it on a magazine cover.


  1. I think that surgery is not the panacea that everyone thinks it is. The easy way?, no way. Losing weight is hard work whether someone does it with or without surgery. You are where you are today only in small part due to surgery. The rest you did by changing your whole life and working your fanny off!!!

    Love Mom

  2. I totally agree with you, that surgery was not the easy way or the final step. Of course not! The only thing I would add is that many people can't have surgery for lots of reasons, whether it be financial or otherwise. Many of those people would be able to lose weight with the same diet and lifestyle changes we all have to master, if they could somehow rally some support and inspiration. This almost certainly will not be found in a magazine. It may be found in a coach, a trainer, a teacher or loved one who reaches out with knowledge and finds a way to motivate people to see their potential. Can't find that for $3.99. So there you have it, my two cents.

  3. I meant to say knowledge and caring, not just knowledge. :)
