Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Song Writing Journal

I saw a post on my friends blog today and she was talking about her husband's song that he had just written. How he keeps notebooks all over the place that he jots lines in and what not.
Songwriting is such a personal thing, that's why I talk about it being so therapeutic. I write songs like I'm writing in my journal. A lot of my songs are sad because that is the emotion that I feel can consume you so much, and for me writing my feelings out helps me to let go of them.
Anyway... the thing that made me of this post is in my friend's blog, ( she took a picture of a part of one of her husband's songs and it just made me think about what my songwriting notebook looks like.
When I write a song, it starts off by me writing down a bunch of different lines that the current situation makes me think of. I write down my feelings in a bunch of different ways to see what lines would best fit the melody we choose. As we start writing the lines they get condensed and snipped and crossed out and by the end of it I have a few pages of paper that just look a mess. I LOVE those pages of paper in my book. I love that notebook I love going back and seeing how we came to the final product, I like going back and seeing all the things I felt before we wrote the song.
About a year ago Jaycie and I were doing an open mic night. I left my notebook on the chair next to me to save a seat. My friend came and grabbed it and sat next to me and started looking through my notebook. My chest immediately tightened and I got really self-conscious. I realized him looking through that notebook was like him reaching the deepest parts of my soul. The things I have written in that book are some of the most personal feelings I have. I finally reached over and took it from him, I couldn't handle it anymore.
I love sharing my songs with people. I love the idea that people can relate. I hope that people can feel the emotion it took to write the song, because they are all based off something real.
Well I hope the seriousness/boringness of this blog doesn't turn anyone away. Sometimes I'm serious ok?

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