Tuesday, July 30, 2013


My dating life is nothing if not entertaining.
The goods are good the bads are bad, but they are always entertaining.
I find myself in the craziest of situations. Whether it be being flown across the country to go to a military ball then later (months later) being approached by the friend of the GIRLFRIEND of the military man that flew me out there, or dating brothers, roommates and cousins and not having any idea before-hand.
I always have a story to tell my friends and family, and more often than not they bring gasps and laughter. Most times also bringing the question, "How does this stuff happen to you all the time?"
I am either dating no one, or my cup runneth over. I like having options, but I don't like dating multiple people, I get anxiety. Makes things hard.
I have had several people tell me, "I am so curious to see who you end up with." because the guys I date are so different from one another. No one, myself included, has been able to figure out my "type".
I have a high turnover and for some reason whenever my cup runneth over, all the guys are so similar in name and attributes that no one can keep up with who I'm talking about or who did what.
This last week my journal has just been overloaded with, "Get THIS!" stories. Some horrible, some hilarious and some exciting.
At this point I can find the humor in my dating life (this point meaning right now, who knows how long this will last before I'm super frustrated and crying for the same reason)At this point it's easy to turn it into a joke and make people laugh with the stories of my life. One day I'll look back at all this and just think it's hilarious. At least it's active. It could be worse.
I'm debating whether or not to post the sequal to the Cinderella incident, twas such a romantic story. I classify it like this, the ball itself was the fairy tale, what has happened since is just very much real life. But man oh man is it a story!
That story in and of itself goes to show you how my dating life works. It's very entertaining to those who aren't actually living it. It's a good thing I like telling stories.

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