Thursday, October 17, 2013

A change in the weather...

Man, I know I moved to AZ for the weather, but I did not expect it to affect me the way it did.
When I first moved to Arizona it was a very hard transition. Couple that with 118 degree heat and I was pretty miserable. I kept telling myself it would be worth it when winter came, but I had to wait for winter to come.
I went home pretty regularly and though I never considered moving back to Utah, it was always pretty difficult to leave once I got there.
Well my friends, at the end of September it started snowing in Utah, and it was mid 80's in Arizona and my mood rapidly changed.
I am a girl that loves being warm and get actually upset when I'm cold. Having it be warm in Arizona in mid October honestly makes me so happy I can hardly contain myself. I miss the fall in Utah with the colors and everything, but I was in Utah last weekend and I could NOT get warm the entire time I was there. I was talking to my nephew, Jace, and said, "How can you stand how cold it is in this house?" he goes, "It's not cold, you're just from Arizona." Too true little one... too true.
I have only lived here for 7.5 months but I acclimated fast and now can't handle temps below 60. Last weekend was the first time since moving here that I was actually itching to get back.
I was out on the lake last night with my rowing crew, I had to wear a jacket to start (it was 79 degrees) but once we got warmed up I was just in a tank top, in MID-OCTOBER!
This is why I moved here, folks. I'm like perma smiling these days, it's amazing how the weather can affect my mood.

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