Saturday, March 20, 2010

Blind Dates

Ok so for the first real post, I am going to give my feelings on blind dates.
In my day I have been on roughly forty-two thousand blind dates. (I typed that out because that number needs to be read with serious pronunciation) Out of those blind dates I would say 2, maybe three, were dates I enjoyed, and would have liked to see the guys again. Those are not good odds.
I have decided that when people set you up on blind dates, it tells you exactly what they think about you, and I have come home from many a blind date wondering why my dear friend is so mad at me as to set me up with such a wad. I once had a guy call me and tell me he wanted to set me up with a kid in one of his classes, when I asked him to tell me about him this was his explanation, be warned what you are about to read is not suitable, for anyone really. "Well he's kind of short, stalky, not super attractive. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor. He's not really outgoing, he kind of sticks to himself. He's not the life of the party, but he'll go..." Though I was flattered, I decided to pass. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Really people? Does anyone ANYONE think that was a good idea? Would anyone want to go out with ANYONE that met that description? First rule of setting people up, you tell the potential dates the GOOD qualities the person has, you are trying to sell them to each other. He didn't have one good thing to say.
After I called Lauren (my friend who was dating the gem that wanted to set me up) and relayed the story to her, and how completely offended I was, she called him and pretty much railed into him about having no tact. She later told me that he didn't actually know this kid. That he was just a kid in his class he thought was nice. Ok let it be known, being single is NOT my only prerequisite for a potential date.
I think the worst part of the actual date is when that doorbell rings and you are about to face your opponent. Ok, you can tell right away if someone is happy to see you, that is not something you can fake, I've tried. If you open the door and you get the "oh" expression, good luck. On the other hand you can open the door and get the sigh of relief, that's a good thing. I've had both, and have given both.
I know that if a guy isn't attracted to me physically, that's it, I can't be myself on a first meeting, it takes a while for me to actually be myself in any arena, let alone a blind date. It's a lot of pressure. The catch 22 is, that is only the scenario if I am attracted to the guy. If I'm not interested I can totally be myself, because I don't care if they call again. I don't care if I ever see them again. So I can make jokes and be funny and win them over, problem is... I don't want to.
I think I have gone on long enough about blind dates to give a good reason as to why I hate them. I still go on them, but I have rules now. The main ones being: Girls, I will only go out with a guy that you yourself would go out with, if you use the following sentences"well, I'm not attracted to him, but you might be" or "he's so great but, I just wasn't interested" or "He such a great guy, just not my type" I'll pass. Guys, set me up with guys that will make me think you have a high opinion of me. If I go out with a guy who has no personality, I'll think you think the same of me.
I should say that the odds are getting better. I feel like people nowadays are setting me up with people that I could actually see why they matched us. Though clearly none have worked out (as I am still so very single) I have had some good times, and if not good times, I have plenty of good stories.

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