Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dating Advice

Ok, To start this post I am about to sound a little vain, but I have to just say, that when it comes to giving dating advice, I am pretty awesome. I have advised many, and most of my friends on their relationships. I love that they all come to me, and I love that I feel like I am helping them. Sometimes I surprise myself at the advice I give, and how sound it is.
I take great pride in the fact that I can talk people through their relationships. Sometimes it's hard and trying, and it weighs on me to feel like I am the person holding these people up in the hard times, as that is typically when someone goes to someone for advice, but I love being the confidant. I love talking to people and helping them through what could be a very significant time in their lives.
That being said, when it comes to my own dating life, I am a complete dunce. I will be in a scenario, and for some reason all logical thinking goes racing out the window and the stupidity of the decisions I end up making rival that of crashing your car into a stationary pole or something, which I have also done so it's a fair comparison.
Say I am interested in a guy, but not much has happened yet, he seems interested but hasn't asked me out. The advice I would give, is to just be laid back. If he seems interested he will do something about it, don't be afraid to flirt, but let him make the move, it's his job to make the effort, and if he wants to go out with you he will make it happen.
I may think that, but that thought is fleeting and the next thing I know I have texted him, and facebook stalked him, and probably bore my soul to him effectively scaring him beyond control, and can look forward to the day where I see him with his wife, who knows about me, only because I'm the freak that terrified him to his very core.
I don't like not knowing where things lie in a relationship. I don't like waiting to see if he will do something. I have been "friends" with guys where I waited and waited for them to do something, and nothing ever happened and that is stupid. So now I don't wait anymore. If I spend time with a guy consistently, but it's not progressing, I get to a point where I need to know what's going on, and a conversation WILL be had, which is also stupid. In this situation my advice would be, don't shut the door on the situation, but don't hold on to it either. Date other people, give other people a chance, and if they end up asking you out, great, if not you have other people knocking at the door and other opportunities to pursue, nothing lost. There is no need to have some huge conversation, if he's not interested that will just be painful, and if he is he will do something about it. However, what I do is put us both in an awkward situation and tell them how I feel to see where they are at. My thought process being, if they are interseted great we can get going, if not, better I know now and move on, no point in waiting/hoping for something that will never happen. The problem with this is, it puts WAY too much pressure on a situation that doesn't need it. It puts the guy in an awkward place and makes me look like a moron, which isn't my favorite thing. Also it takes any control I may have had and murders it. Now the guy knows, they don't need to fight for me. They don't need to make any effort, I'm already interested, so the battle is won, and from my experience, even if they were interested that interest will dwindle now because there is no mystery.
See, I know what I should do, and I know what I will actually do. I know that what I will actually do I will regret, but I still do it, because I have no self-control. It's quite the debochle.
It may sound like I have this all figured out, that I know the error of my ways, and that I can move on and never look back on these sad sad dating years. To that I say PSSSSH! It'll happen again and again, but at least there will be many more blog entries to look forward to.